Testimonial05 of 08 ParentStudentParentAlumni Ms. BellaParent of Wen Jie (Grade 2) and Wen Jin (K1) As part of the SWA community, I am very satisfied. Both my children and I are improving each day, thanks to the teachers and the supporting team. They are very friendly and helpful. There are meetings and activities for parents to learn up-to-date knowledge ... about parenting, and as for the SWA programme, I want to say it is systematic and scientific, in regards to childhood education. My son did not even know how to write the 26 letters of the alphabet 2 years ago. Now he is able to read books at his grade-level, write sentences, and create a poster, all by himself. It is amazing to witness such progress.There are many international schools in Indonesia, but SWA has the top Chinese teaching team. Chinese teachers are from the Primary School affiliated with Peking University. I don't think there are any other competitive schools throughout Indonesia with a Chinese Team such as this. Readmore Ms. JentyParent of Dhilan (Grade 12) One day, during a sporting event at Dhilan’s previous school, I saw him sitting in the backyard, reading a book, while his friends were playing. That was the sight that prompted me to make a decision to ... move him to Sinarmas World Academy (SWA).SWA is a small and tightly knit community. He came to SWA at the beginning of Grade 7. Dhilan, now Grade 12, has always been good in academics, so I was not too worried about that, but as parents, we wanted him to explore something beyond academics. We wanted him to be a confident, independent individual, and also have close friends.Being an introvert, he didn’t like outdoor activities much, especially those that needed collaboration with other students. So, I teamed up with his English Teacher to get him toventure into WSC debate. She put him onto the debate team, and after 3 years of trying, he made us proud, by bagging 6 gold medals at WSC ToC Yale, and his team was in the top 11. Later, he ventured into Frisbee - a team sport!!! And as for Math Competitions, he continued to do well at SWA.He is happy at SWA, gets along well with his friends, experiences no bullying, and their teachers know them by heart. They are close, and sometimes they joke around. During the Covid-19 days, with online learning, Dhilan and his friends have a small chatroom to Socialize “online” - to catch up with each other. Sometimes, I can hear the laughter after class - it must be them chatting with each other, online.As a parent, I am happy seeing my son enjoy his time at SWA. Academic-wise, I wouldsay IB is rigorous and takes a lot of hard work, which means less sleep time. However,working hard is a habit they need to cultivate from the time of being young, to prepare them to become a responsible, young adult. They work hard, and they play hard. Readmore Ms. AyuParent of Ye Eun (Grade 9) My daughter has been in SWA for about 5 years and I can say that she has made a lot of positive achievements. The school community, especially the teachers, helped our child a lot. Ms. JennyParent of Kimberlee (Grade 3) SWA Elementary school enables every child to overcome the hardships of the learning process as well as improve self-confidence. Ms. DaniellaParent of Victoria & Audrey (Grade 11 & 9) I appreciate the caring nature of the teachers, Principal and all of the staff at SWA. It makes me feel great knowing I am dropping my daughters off at a great place that genuinely cares about her learning. Load More
05 of 08 ParentStudentParentAlumni Ms. BellaParent of Wen Jie (Grade 2) and Wen Jin (K1) As part of the SWA community, I am very satisfied. Both my children and I are improving each day, thanks to the teachers and the supporting team. They are very friendly and helpful. There are meetings and activities for parents to learn up-to-date knowledge ... about parenting, and as for the SWA programme, I want to say it is systematic and scientific, in regards to childhood education. My son did not even know how to write the 26 letters of the alphabet 2 years ago. Now he is able to read books at his grade-level, write sentences, and create a poster, all by himself. It is amazing to witness such progress.There are many international schools in Indonesia, but SWA has the top Chinese teaching team. Chinese teachers are from the Primary School affiliated with Peking University. I don't think there are any other competitive schools throughout Indonesia with a Chinese Team such as this. Readmore Ms. JentyParent of Dhilan (Grade 12) One day, during a sporting event at Dhilan’s previous school, I saw him sitting in the backyard, reading a book, while his friends were playing. That was the sight that prompted me to make a decision to ... move him to Sinarmas World Academy (SWA).SWA is a small and tightly knit community. He came to SWA at the beginning of Grade 7. Dhilan, now Grade 12, has always been good in academics, so I was not too worried about that, but as parents, we wanted him to explore something beyond academics. We wanted him to be a confident, independent individual, and also have close friends.Being an introvert, he didn’t like outdoor activities much, especially those that needed collaboration with other students. So, I teamed up with his English Teacher to get him toventure into WSC debate. She put him onto the debate team, and after 3 years of trying, he made us proud, by bagging 6 gold medals at WSC ToC Yale, and his team was in the top 11. Later, he ventured into Frisbee - a team sport!!! And as for Math Competitions, he continued to do well at SWA.He is happy at SWA, gets along well with his friends, experiences no bullying, and their teachers know them by heart. They are close, and sometimes they joke around. During the Covid-19 days, with online learning, Dhilan and his friends have a small chatroom to Socialize “online” - to catch up with each other. Sometimes, I can hear the laughter after class - it must be them chatting with each other, online.As a parent, I am happy seeing my son enjoy his time at SWA. Academic-wise, I wouldsay IB is rigorous and takes a lot of hard work, which means less sleep time. However,working hard is a habit they need to cultivate from the time of being young, to prepare them to become a responsible, young adult. They work hard, and they play hard. Readmore Ms. AyuParent of Ye Eun (Grade 9) My daughter has been in SWA for about 5 years and I can say that she has made a lot of positive achievements. The school community, especially the teachers, helped our child a lot. Ms. JennyParent of Kimberlee (Grade 3) SWA Elementary school enables every child to overcome the hardships of the learning process as well as improve self-confidence. Ms. DaniellaParent of Victoria & Audrey (Grade 11 & 9) I appreciate the caring nature of the teachers, Principal and all of the staff at SWA. It makes me feel great knowing I am dropping my daughters off at a great place that genuinely cares about her learning. Load More