Dyslexia In Children
In children’s life, each of them have different learning and development pace.
Amongs other skill that children need to build, reading skill is one of the most
important challenges children face. Reading is a fundamental skill that opens the doors to new experiences, knowledge, and creativity. However, for some children, reading can be an ongoing struggles and become the source of frustration and disappointment , as they might fall behind their peers. It is possible that they have a specific learning disorder known as dyslexia.
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is most commonly associated with trouble learning to read. It is a specific learning disorder that affects an individual's ability to read, write, or spell. They may compensate by memorizing words, but they’ll have trouble recognizing new words
and may be slow in retrieving even familiar ones. Dyslexia is not due to a lack of intelligence, but rather a difference in the way the brain processes information. Early identification and support can help children with dyslexia reach their full potential.
How is Dyslexia Diagnosed?
Dyslexia can begin to reveal itself at a young age, it can be diagnosed through a variety of assessments and is typically treated through educational interventions such as tutoring and special education programs. Dyslexia can have a significant effect on
an individual's ability to read, write, or spell. Some common effects of dyslexia such as difficulty of understanding what they read, spell words correctly, combining words, and counting numbers. It's important to note that some children with dyslexia may experience fewer or more severe effects than others.
How to treat a child with dyslexia Diagnose?
Dyslexia learning disorder that affects an individual';s ability to read, write, and spell. If your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, it is very important to always support them with the right resources, Here are some tips for treat a child with Dyslexia:
1. Educate yourself about Dyslexia
If you know about dyslexia well, this will help you understand your child’s
condition and know how to meet their needs.
2. Create a positive environment
If you have a positive environment around your child, they will have a great
confidence and self-esteem.
3. Use multisensory teaching methods
dyslexia children often benefit from structured, repetitive, and multisensory
learning teaching methods, which engage multiple senses to help them learn
well. For example, using hands-on activities or visual aids to reinforce reading
and writing skills.
Mr. Danny, Sinarmas World Academy couselor specialized in children development, argue that dyslexia is not learning deficit, but learning differences. For any case of dyslexia, SWA provides proper learning accommodation and differentiated teaching, learning, and also assessment so that students with dyslexia can develop their potential properly. With SWA personalised education, there is still hope for them to manage their difficulties. “If they can’t learn the way we teach, we teach them the way they learn” as Mr. Danny said.