Preventing Child Abduction: How Schools and Parents Can Work Together

Preventing Child Abduction: How Schools and Parents Can Work Together

There has been a rampant increase in child abduction cases as recently reported in various media. From the early of 2023, there were already 23 reported kidnappings in several places in Indonesia. The number has increased by around 50% compared to last year number. The Indonesian’s Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, during press conference in Jakarta, urged us all to be involved in supervision and protection of our children.

Kidnapping is a serious crime that can have devastating consequences, particularly for children. The act of kidnapping can happen in a variety of settings, including public places, private homes, and also vehicles. It can also be carried out by individuals or groups, and sometimes the perpetrator is from a close circle. To help prevent kidnapping, it is important to take a proactive approach and teach our children safety measures. Below are some tips to help parents/guardians.

1. Be aware of your child’s surroundings
Be mindful of any suspicious people or activities in the area, especially in crowded public places.
2. Set clear boundaries
Teach your child to set clear boundaries with strangers and not to engage in conversations or accept gifts from others. Encourage your child not to share personal information, such as their full name, address, or phone number with anyone they don't know.
3. Know your child`s whereabouts
Always know where your child is and who they are with. Ensure they have a safe way to contact you at all times.
4. Teach your child to say “No”
Teach your child to say "No" firmly and loudly if someone tries to take them or touch them inappropriately.
5. Set clear boundaries
Teach your child to set clear boundaries with strangers and not to engage in conversations or accept any gifts from people they do not know.
6. Teach your child to identify safe places
Teach your child to identify safe places where they can go for help, such as a police station or a trusted neighbor`s house.
7. Have a family code word
Establish a family code word that only your family knows, which your child can use to verify that someone is safe to go with.
8. Know the school`s safety policies
Familiarize yourself with the safety policies and procedures at your child`s school, including their protocols for visitors, emergencies, and pick-up procedures.
9. Teach your child to identify trusted adults
Teach your child to identify trusted adults at school, such as teachers, counselors, and staff members, who they can go to for help if they feel threatened or in danger.
10. Have a plan for emergencies
Develop a plan with your child for what to do in case of an emergency, and make sure they know how to contact you or another trusted adult.
11. Stay informed
Keep up-to-date on news and safety tips in your area, and be aware of any patterns or trends related to kidnappings.

Child abduction is a serious concern for parents and schools. While schools are responsible for providing a safe and secure environment for students, parents also play a crucial role in keeping their children safe. By taking proactive steps, staying vigilant, and also working hand in hand, adults can help protect the children and ensure their safety both at home and at school.

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