Navigating the Season with SWA's Health Tips for Families
In recent news, we have heard and read a lot about a surge in pneumonia cases in China, particularly affecting children, which has captured our attention. This surprising surge has impacted many parts of China, particularly in the northern provinces, where flu-like illnesses have been on the rise for five consecutive weeks since mid-October. The last time we heard about a mysterious respiratory outbreak leading to overcrowding in hospitals was at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, and several countries are taking steps to prepare against the spread of contagious respiratory illnesses.
So far, Chinese officials state that the infection, predominantly affecting children, is causing lung inflammation and high fever in affected individuals, but other respiratory symptoms like cough are notably absent. It is normal for respiratory infections to rise during winter. What’s more, this is China’s first winter since its strict lockdowns to prevent covid-19. That means there will be a much larger number of children than usual who haven’t been exposed to certain viruses and bacteria before, and therefore have no immunity. There was no indication that the outbreak in China poses any global threat, and the WHO advised against any travel restrictions “based on the current information available on this event.”
What is pneumonia?
Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma is called an “atypical” pneumonia. The disease onset is often gradual, with patients experiencing nonspecific symptoms like low-grade fever, tiredness and headache. Some people report a nagging cough or chest soreness from coughing. Sore throat, runny nose and ear pain are possible, too, and in rare cases, individuals could develop a rash, joint pain and gastrointestinal symptoms.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections are most common in young adults and school-age children. Those living and working in crowded settings, such as schools, are at an increased risk. Most patients with this type of pneumonia do not require hospitalization and will improve with outpatient antibiotic treatment. The most vulnerable to severe illness are the very young, elderly, and people with underlying medical conditions.
What precautions should you take?
We encourage all parents and students to take precautions as the weather in Indonesia transitions from hot to rainy days. The changing season and increasing air pollution provide an opportunity for diseases to appear and penetrate easily into a child’s body. Rapid temperature fluctuations can weaken the child's immune system. Moreover, the hot and humid climate creates favourable conditions for disease-causing viruses to develop and spread rapidly, such as the common cold, strep throat, and stomach flu. Parents should remain vigilant and take precautions in health and safety measures.
SWA health tips you can adapt during this season:
1. Stay Informed
Keep yourself updated on the latest news and advisories related to health concerns in the areas you plan to visit. Stay informed about any specific precautions or guidelines provided by health authorities.
2. Practice Good Hygiene
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, use hand sanitizers, and consider incorporating immune-boosting vitamins into your daily routine. Proper hand hygiene, coupled with nutritional support, is a potent combination to ward off infections.
3. Stay Well-Rested and Hydrated
A healthy immune system is better equipped to fend off infections. Prioritize sufficient rest and hydration to ensure your body is in optimal condition to fight off any potential threats.
4. Wear Masks
In crowded or public spaces, especially in areas where there is a higher risk of infection, consider wearing masks to protect yourself and others. Masks act as a barrier and can significantly reduce the transmission of respiratory droplets.
5. Social Distancing
Be mindful of your surroundings and maintain a safe distance from individuals who appear unwell. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of illness, and ensure you are up-to-date on vaccinations, including the flu vaccine.
6. Monitor Your Health
Pay attention to your own health and well-being. If you experience any symptoms such as cough, fever, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention promptly. Additionally, consider getting vaccinated against common respiratory infections to enhance your immune resilience.
7. Quarantine if Needed
If you have recently visited an area with reported health concerns or have been in close contact with someone who is ill, consider a short self-imposed quarantine period before returning to school. This precautionary measure can help protect the school community.
Remember, by taking these precautions, including incorporating vitamins and staying up-to-date on vaccines, you are not only safeguarding yourself but also contributing to the overall well-being of our school community. Your actions matter, and collectively, we can ensure a safe and healthy environment for everyone. Wishing you a joyful and, above all, a safe holiday season!

The Importance of Hydration for Children
Hydration is essential for people of all ages, including kids, because water plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Here are some reasons why kids need to be hydrated:
1. Proper bodily functions
Digestion, absorption of nutrients, and the elimination of waste products work well when you are fully hydrated
2. Cognitive function
Dehydration can decrease cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and concentration, which can affect a child's learning and performance in school.
3. Physical performance
Dehydration can lead to decreased endurance, muscle cramps, and reduced physical performance.
4. Growth and development
Water is essential for the growth and development of a child's body. It supports the formation of new cells and tissues, aids in nutrient transport, and helps maintain healthy skin.
5. Immune function
Adequate hydration is crucial for a robust immune system. It helps transport immune cells and antibodies throughout the body, increasing the body's ability to fight off infections.
6. Preventing dehydration
Children can become dehydrated more quickly than adults because they have a higher metabolic rate and may not always recognize thirst or communicate it effectively.
Encouraging children to drink water regularly and consume hydrating foods (e.g., fruits and vegetables) is essential for maintaining their health and well-being. It is particularly crucial during hot weather, physical activity, and illnesses when their fluid needs may increase.
How much should a child drink?
While water needs vary, here's an approximate recommendation, according to childrens.com, for how much water a child should drink per day, depending on their age and gender:
- 1-3 years old (girls and boys): 4 cups of water/day
- 4-8 years old (girls and boys): 4 cups of water/day
- 9-13 years old (girls): 7 cups of water/day
- 9-13 years old (boys): 8 cups of water/day
- 14-18 years old (girls): 8 cups of water/day
- 14-18 years old (boys): 11 cups of water/day
Fluid (70-80%) should come from drinks, and the rest (20-30%) will come from their diet. To make it simpler:
- Primary School children should have a 750ml water bottle at school
- Secondary School children should have a 1ltr water bottle at school
- All children should aim to finish their water bottle by the time they finish school each day
Tips to encourage proper hydration in kids
- Get a portable water bottle to encourage drinking water on the go
- Mark lines on your child's water bottle to show how much they should drink by a certain time
- Avoid soft drinks and limit access to juices
- Infuse water with fresh fruit to add flavour and variety
- Offer water in fun cups or with silly straws
- Be a good example and drink water throughout the day
- Explain to your child how the colour of his or her urine can show signs of dehydration
Keeping your child properly hydrated will help to keep them fit and healthy.
~ SWA Moves~
Yours in Education
Sinarmas World Academy
Embracing the Future, Embracing Asia

Public speaking is a soft skill that requires excellent communication skills, enthusiasm, and the ability to engage with an audience. Public speaking skills are important in many areas of life, from the workplace to personal relationships and can be improved through practice and training everyday. The goal of public speaking is to effectively communicate a message to the audience and engage them in a meaningful way. The objective of the speech might be to instruct, influence, engage, educate, or entertain the listeners.
Public speaking is needed for many reasons, including informing, educating, persuading, and also building relationships with people and community. A good public speaker is viewed as being more confident, accurate, knowledgeable, and intelligent of what they are saying. As we all know, confidence is one of the most important things when you become a public speaker. Here are some tips to be a good public speaker in front of an audience:
1. Practicing some deep breathing exercises
Deep breathing exercises can be helpful in managing anxiety and nervousness associated with public speaking. Deep breathing exercises can help slow down your breathing, reduce anxiety, and steady your voice which makes it easier to give a good public speech. Take slow, deep breaths to help calm your nervous system and promote relaxation. This can help you feel more centered and focused.
2. Standing up and moving around
Standing up and moving around can be helpful in giving a good public speech, as it can help to release tension and increase energy levels. When we are standing up, we tend to breathe more deeply, which can help to calm the nervous and actively engage in the speech that you are giving.
3. Use a clear language
Use simple and easy-to-understand language to communicate your message. At this point, you have to practice your speech multiple times before delivering it. Consider practicing your speech with a friend or family member to get feedback from them.
4. Speak in front of the mirror
By speaking in front of the mirror, make sure that your body language is on point and your face expression matches your content. Use good posture and try to maintain eye contact with your audience. These things can increase your self-confidence and credibility.
5. Embrace the anxiety and nervousness
Embracing anxiety and nervousness can be a helpful technique for giving a good public speech, especially if you struggle with anxiety or have a fear of public speaking. Instead of trying to suppress or ignore your anxiety, you can acknowledge and accept it, and use it to your advantage. By embracing your anxiety and using it to your advantage, you can give a good public speech and connect with your audience. Remember that you have the knowledge and skills to give a great presentation.
Overall, public speaking is an essential skill that can benefit individuals in many areas of life. Whether you are trying to inform, persuade, or entertain an audience, effective public speaking can help you achieve your goals. With practice and preparation, you can build confidence and deliver a compelling message that resonates with your audience. The more prepared you feel, the more confident you will be when delivering your speech.

Toddlers' endless supply of energy allows them to do a lot of things - from running, jumping to playing pretend. They start imitating self-care routines like brushing their teeth, combing their hair or getting dressed by themselves. Parents’ reactions to these actions create powerful messages about their identity. When parents show attention and affection, this gives them a message of love. These messages are the foundation of self-confidence.
Building self confidence in a toddler is a crucial aspect to their overall well-being and a major step to their social and emotional development. When toddlers have confidence in themselves, they are more likely to engage with others. With strong social skills, they are also more likely to make friends and form positive relationships which in turn boosts self-esteem.
Here are a few tips on how to build confidence for your toddler:
1. Give them age appropriate tasks. Giving your toddler a few choices on what to wear or which toys to play with will give them a sense of control and self-expression.
2. Provide opportunities for exploration. Trying new things, new kinds of food or exploring new places. Discovering a new environment is exciting as it tickles their curiosity and strengthens their confidence.
3. Shower your child plenty of praise and positive reinforcement. Appreciate them in their little successes. Toddlers thrive on praise and positive feedback. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and encourage them to keep trying. This will help your child to understand that their efforts are well valued and appreciated.
The SWA toddler program maintains a supportive and safe environment to build confidence in your toddler. We encourage them to take risks and we are ready to catch them if they fall. Building confidence is an ongoing process. Here in SWA, we
are happy to partner with you in building confidence in your toddlers as they experience their first valuable moments in school.

Dyslexia In Children
In children’s life, each of them have different learning and development pace.
Amongs other skill that children need to build, reading skill is one of the most
important challenges children face. Reading is a fundamental skill that opens the doors to new experiences, knowledge, and creativity. However, for some children, reading can be an ongoing struggles and become the source of frustration and disappointment , as they might fall behind their peers. It is possible that they have a specific learning disorder known as dyslexia.
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is most commonly associated with trouble learning to read. It is a specific learning disorder that affects an individual's ability to read, write, or spell. They may compensate by memorizing words, but they’ll have trouble recognizing new words
and may be slow in retrieving even familiar ones. Dyslexia is not due to a lack of intelligence, but rather a difference in the way the brain processes information. Early identification and support can help children with dyslexia reach their full potential.
How is Dyslexia Diagnosed?
Dyslexia can begin to reveal itself at a young age, it can be diagnosed through a variety of assessments and is typically treated through educational interventions such as tutoring and special education programs. Dyslexia can have a significant effect on
an individual's ability to read, write, or spell. Some common effects of dyslexia such as difficulty of understanding what they read, spell words correctly, combining words, and counting numbers. It's important to note that some children with dyslexia may experience fewer or more severe effects than others.
How to treat a child with dyslexia Diagnose?
Dyslexia learning disorder that affects an individual';s ability to read, write, and spell. If your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, it is very important to always support them with the right resources, Here are some tips for treat a child with Dyslexia:
1. Educate yourself about Dyslexia
If you know about dyslexia well, this will help you understand your child’s
condition and know how to meet their needs.
2. Create a positive environment
If you have a positive environment around your child, they will have a great
confidence and self-esteem.
3. Use multisensory teaching methods
dyslexia children often benefit from structured, repetitive, and multisensory
learning teaching methods, which engage multiple senses to help them learn
well. For example, using hands-on activities or visual aids to reinforce reading
and writing skills.
Mr. Danny, Sinarmas World Academy couselor specialized in children development, argue that dyslexia is not learning deficit, but learning differences. For any case of dyslexia, SWA provides proper learning accommodation and differentiated teaching, learning, and also assessment so that students with dyslexia can develop their potential properly. With SWA personalised education, there is still hope for them to manage their difficulties. “If they can’t learn the way we teach, we teach them the way they learn” as Mr. Danny said.